Hot Air BallooningJohn Whicher Science Cafe welcomed John Wilcher, a previous Café presenter (see- November 2021 report). Before settling in Sherborne, he...
Heavy WaterMike Tarlton. (Speaker not an expert. Personal interest.) Heavy Water is Deuterium oxide, D2O. Deuterium is a hydrogen isotope,...
Drivers’ reactions to automated vehiclesProfessor Neville Stanton BSc (Hons), PhD, FBPsS, FErgsS, MIET, MCIHT University of Southampton July 2002 1. Introduction The concept...
Some Numbers in our Daily LivesProfessor Jim Anderson Many of us have a favourite number, I am very fond of 259, I suspect that if you were also born in the 1950s you...
LUSI- the geology and engineering of a mud volcano disaster in JavaDavid Shilston C. Geol., FGS, FRSA Past President of The Geological Society of London April 2022 1. Introduction David Shilston has...
The Hydrology of Sherborne Dr Paul Webster March 2022 Introduction Dr Paul Webster, a hydrologist, discussed the challenges of natural water systems and water...
Hot Air- The inside story of the battle against climate change denialProfessor Peter Stott Professor in Detection and Attribution at the University of Exeter and Science Fellow in Attribution at the Met...